
Welcome to Fascimathion!

A wonderful world of art, coding, math, science and mysteries

This is my personal website for my creative code, blog posts about mathematics, fascinating science mysteries, physics simulations and my cheat sheets. There are many things that interest me and it is difficult accommodate all of them in one website. Feel free to explore and learn something new. Even if you're not interested in math, there might be still something for you.

This website is still under construction. At the moment there is not much to see. The following sections are planned:

Scientific Mysteries
A skeptical look at myths, urban legends and scary stuff!
Algorithmic Art
Art gallery for my creative code in JS (no AI)
Back-of-the-Envelope Calculations
Understanding the world better with a little physics.
Code Golf
Solving problems with the fewest amount of characters - just for fun.
Math Blog
The good stuff.
Physics Cheat Sheats
My old lecture notes.
Simulations and Games
Pleasant pastime.

Nothing is set in stone, everything can be subject to change.

All graphics and images on this website are (unless otherwise indicated) created by myself.